


9:00 - 17:00

Preis inkl MwSt.

750,00 €


Herzinsuffizienz Kurse,
Kurse für Herzchirurgen,
Kurse rund um die Koronarien,
Kurse zu Strukturellen Herzkrankheiten,
Teamtraining und Notfallmanagement Kurse

Special course in emergency management for heart teams

The idea of the Heart Team is to bundle interdisciplinary competencies and to use them sensibly for optimal patient care in the hybrid OR. The heart team work already begins in the screening process of the patients and should thus ideally enable a joint and tailored decision-making for the best therapy procedure to be used for the patients. Everyday life shows us that existing and new heart teams have to overcome hurdles and leave old conventions behind in order to establish a new, better standard. Because our patients benefit directly from this. We support you in the formation of a strong and functioning heart team, help you to uncover your weak points and to optimize them.

Our CardioSkills emergency management courses are known across borders for their quality and results and will be a lot of fun, besides all the professional benefits.


  • Basics of teamwork
  • Special aspects of working in heart teams
  • Communication management
  • Stress management
  • Importance of briefings and debriefings
  • Checklists and standards


  • Team training in the simulation cath lab with fullscale patient simulation
  • Team training in the 737 cockpit simulator
  • Interactive case discussions and team/crew resource management (CRM) exercises.

Preis: 750,00 Euro

Our courses take place - unless otherwise described - at the CardioSkills Simulation Centre Frankfurt am Main (The SIM) between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm and are CME certified by the State Medical Association of Hesse.

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