Special course Interventional left atrial appendage closure

Today, interventional closure of the left atrial appendage is an important procedure to reduce the risk of stroke in high-risk patients and in contraindications to oral anticoagulation. Many patients with atrial fibrillation can be helped very effectively with this method and arrhythmia-related complications can be reduced. We will guide you step-by-step through the procedure, establish a solid theoretical foundation, and then practice this challenging intervention with you on various VR simulators. Benefit from the rich clinical experience of our interventional cardiologists, gain your first sense of achievement and get ready for your first real cases in your cath labs.


  • Indication and basics
  • Patient preparation and follow-up
  • Materials and devices
  • Intraprocedural imaging: TEE and fluoroscopy
  • Procedure and special techniques
  • Transseptal puncture
  • Special aspects, problems and complication management


  • Exercises on various virtual reality simulators
  • Interactive case discussions

Preis: 750,00 Euro

Our courses take place - unless otherwise described - at the CardioSkills Simulation Centre Frankfurt am Main (The SIM) between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm and are CME certified by the State Medical Association of Hesse.

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