Special course pulmonary vein isolation

Pulmonary vein isolation is a complex procedure for the causal therapy of atrial fibrillation and helps our patients to reduce their individual risk of stroke and other undesirable side effects of atrial fibrillation. To perform the procedure routinely, special knowledge is required, which we will provide in our Special course pulmonary vein isolation comprehensively in theory and practice. In this course we build on what you have learned from our Basic course electrophysiology and practice the most important steps with you on our VR simulators. Benefit from the wealth of experience of our electrophysiologists and work with us to create optimal conditions for successful and safe pulmonary vein isolation in your patients.


  • Indication and procedure planning
  • Presentation of different PVI methods
  • Special materials and devices
  • Patient preparation and follow-up and medication management
  • Special examination techniques
  • Navigation and mapping
  • Special aspects, problems and complication management


  • Exercises on various virtual reality simulators
  • Interactive case discussions

Preis: 750,00 Euro

Our courses take place - unless otherwise described - at the CardioSkills Simulation Centre Frankfurt am Main (The SIM) between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm and are CME certified by the State Medical Association of Hesse.

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